I can't believe that Lauren is 5 months old! She's definitely getting more personality and in some ways has become more like her big sister. We thought she would be the quiet, laid-back one, and she is still more easygoing than Elle, but she's proven us wrong in many ways! She's really found her voice recently and loves to try out her new vocal skills (which are just as loud and high-pitched as her sister's used to be!). When we're out places, she's usually content in the moby wrap, but at home, she gets tired of the swing/bouncy seat/etc. pretty quickly and isn't content with me just carrying her around while I do stuff. Instead, she wants a lot of face-to-face interaction. So, I've been trying to give her as much face-time as possible, and she is sooo cute when she's having a "conversation" with us! I'm still trying to get it on video. I think Lauren's just trying to remind us that Elle's not the only one who needs lots of attention around here, and it's soo fun to see this new little person forming!

Yes, Lauren, you are #1!

Here's Elle with a very special ice cream cone! She been using the potty for a while, but I told her that if she went #2 in the potty, she would get to go out for ice cream. Well, she certainly remembered the promise and as soon as she went, she said, "Ice cream cone, Mama? I go dance!" So, we took her to her favorite ice cream place which has a juke box that she loves to dance to, and as you can see, she really enjoyed her ice cream cone. Now, if I can only get her to do that every time!

This is Elle just being goofy as always. She came out of the bathroom with this pick in her hair, said, "Look, Mama," and struck this pose! She makes me laugh everyday!

Last week, we had a little music/art playgroup that was Valentine's Day-themed, and Elle had a blast with all her friends. She's a big fan of Valentine's Day now that she realizes it means making fun cards and getting cards and treats from your friends. Here are the valentines Elle and I made (she's very into googly eyes right now and asks to put them on all her art projects--the note said, "Eye'm glad you're my friend!"):

Tasting her decorated cookie

Being goofy again--I swear, I don't where she gets it from!
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