So, winter has definitely caused me to get creative as far as entertaining Elle and Sam. It was so nice to at least be able to walk around the block when they got bored or fussy, and we went to the park a few times a week when the weather was warmer. Yesterday, Kyle was working again all day, so I decided to make Elle a sort of indoor sandbox. I've been wanting to get Elle a water/sand table for a while now, but she's still into putting things in her mouth. And since I don't actually have anything as big as a sandbox, I just used a tupperware container and filled it with oatmeal, instead of sand (this way, it's not a problem if she eats it). She had a blast! She was transferring the oatmeal from one side to the other and scooping it up with her spoon, but she especially loved throwing the oatmeal up in the air (she would scream and laugh at herself hysterically every time she did it!). It was too fun, and I got some cute pictures!
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