Elle has been showing me more and more lately what a great big sister will be! Since I now watch two extra kids, she a lot of practice sharing and being gentle to other children. This past week, she's started using the word "otay" (okay) a lot. We were in the store the other day, and there was a baby doll that made crying noises, so she patted the baby's hand and said, "It's otay, it's otay." It was so sweet! She now also does this to Coral or Sam (the other two children I watch during the week), if they start crying. This weekend, I was dry-heaving in the bathroom (yes, I'm 24 weeks pregnant and still get nauseated!), and she came up to me, patted my back, and said, "it's otay, mama, it's otay." Then, she grabbed a tissue, pointed to my mouth and said, "boo boo?" and tried to wipe it off for me. She really has a sense of compassion!
She has also been such a good helper. She puts out and folds up the changing pad for me and holds the wipes while I'm changing diapers (she would love to actually help change the diapers, but I don't think she's quite ready for that yet!). She makes sure that everyone has their shoes and hats on before going outside and helps fetch anything I ask her to get. She still loves to be the boss, and tries to teach the other kids a lot of things. Yesterday, we were going through some flashcards, but Sam wasn't interested, so he was running around the room. She kept running after him, showing him the train card and going, "Train, Sam, train...choo, choo!" There are some other cute things she's been doing lately that I've been meaning to write down before I forget, so I'll have to add more later, along with some other pictures from the month! Plus, I have some good videos to add!
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