Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Elle has definitely become more of a daddy's girl recently. She cries a lot of times when he leaves or if we go somewhere without him, and she constantly asks where's he's at when he goes to work. She also gets really excited to see him in the morning (if he's working nights) or when he comes home from work in the evenings (if he's working days). She can be calmly playing or reading a book, and as soon as her daddy walks in the door, she starts running around and acting crazy. Here's a sample of what she does:

She gets pretty excited about other things too, including being around her friends. Last night, a number of her friends came over with their moms and Elle was soo happy! Someone commented that, "Wow, she's really intense," and I tend to agree; she just can't contain her excitement when she's really ecstatic about something. She kept chasing down her friends to give them hugs and running around shrieking with delight. This video is a few weeks old, but it will give you an idea of how crazy she can be sometimes!

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