I can't believe it's been over a month since I posted anything! I guess with all the craziness of the holiday season and traveling for over two weeks during the past month and a half, I've just let time slip away. And then when I think about how I really should post something and record all the incredibly cute things Elle has been doing these days, I start thinking about how there's just too much to say and there's no way I can remember it all. So, I don't post anything and the good stories I'm not writing down keep multiplying. It's like when you haven't talked to a friend in a while and you keep thinking that you don't have enough time to call because there's just too much catching up to do, so you don't call and then days become weeks and weeks become months and so on. Well, now that I've rambled way too much, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I hope to start this year by posting at least once a week (rather than a long monthly post) and also when Elle does or says something so adorable, I just have to write it down to make sure I never forget what an amazing little girl we have (which, warning--could be a lot! I know, I know; before Elle was born, we said we weren't going to be
those parents. You know--the ones who think their kid is
sooo great and who are always talking about all the cool things their baby does, but then we had Elle, and she
is great. Not that other kids aren't great too, because they are. But, she's our kid, so if we don't brag about her, who will?!?). So, I won't send monthly reminders this year, but if you'd like to see how our little family is doing at any time, feel free to check the blog for an update. See--there I go rambling again. Anyway, here's a little update and then I'll do separate posts about a few things:
Elle has changed so much in the past month that I wouldn't dare to tell you all about it, but she is now communicating soo much more. She will try to repeat most things we say (although, we have to say, "You say it," to get her to do it), and even mustered her best "tank tu" ("thank you") for some of her gifts. Even if she can't say what she wants, she is really good at getting her point across, like bringing me her little snack bowl if she's hungry or pointing to the water dispenser on the fridge if she's thirsty. She's even picked up a few signs, including "more", "all done", and "help" (I pretty much teach her a sign if she starts whining a lot about a certain thing she can't say). She still loves books and puzzles, but she also loves to copy most everything I do, meaning she loves to play with baby dolls and/or Sam (the little boy I watch) and she loves to "cook". She will spend hours in her Rose Petal Cottage, stirring pots on the stove, putting things in the oven and taking them out again. She insists that everyone have a "taste" of what she's making, even her babies or stuffed animals.
She's still petite but has grown a lot over the past few months. Her hair is this crazy ball of curls most of the time, and I have no idea what to do with it! I have very straight hair, so I've never had to deal anything like this. She usually pulls out bows and rubberbands, so most days, it ends up looking like I haven't even brushed it (even though I do wet it down multiple times a day--I've even tried various hair products). And it seems that the hair in the front has taken a lot longer to grow in, which doesn't matter when it's curly, but a few days ago, it was really dry here, and Elle had her very own, Joe Dirt-style mullet. So, if anyone has any hair tips, feel free to share!