Monday, December 27, 2010
Some Conversations with Elle recently...
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!
At Christmas, we see Jesus as a
little babe— helpless and poor.
And He came to love and be loved.
How can we love Jesus in the world today?
By loving Him in
my husband, my wife, my children
my brothers and sisters, my parents,
my neighbours and the poor.
Let us gather around the poor crib in Bethlehem
and make a strong resolution that
we will love Jesus in all those we meet every day.
--Mother Teresa
Friday, December 17, 2010
Christmas Fun
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Elle the Ballerina

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Some cuteness around our house these days...
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Advent Calendar for this Year
Kind Deed Activities
Write a letter to someone you haven’t seen or talked to in a while to brighten their day.
Make and bring someone cookies.
Clean up litter in the park.
Do a chore for someone else in the family.
Look around the house for change and put it in the salvation army bucket.
Write a special thank you note to your teachers.
Make a card and treat or present to leave in the mailbox for the mail carrier.
Go through clothes/shoes and pick some to give away.
Go through toys and pick some to give away.
Gather canned goods to give away.
Make cards/craft kits to send to kids in the hospital.
Make a meal for another family and deliver it.
Write and mail thank you letters to soldiers overseas.
Buy a present for someone on the angel tree.
Put change in a soda machine for the next person to use or tape a card and change to a vending machine for the next person to use.
Buy and candy bar/gum for the grocery store clerk and bring one to the salvation army volunteer too!
Have a smiley face play-date and encourage everyone to distribute their smiley faces and give to others.
Make a new friend or reach out to a friend you haven't talked to in a while.
Offer to babysit for a friend to give her a break and give the kids a chance to play
Play secret Santa to a neighbor.
Makes snowflakes or cards to send to a nursing home.
Write thank you cards to the pediatrician and mail or deliver.
Go to the mall or a store or the post office and hand out candy canes with notes attached and wish strangers a Merry Christmas!
Go Christmas caroling and hand out holiday treats to the houses you visit.
Read the Christmas story in the Bible, and act out the nativity.