Kind Deed Activities
Write a letter to someone you haven’t seen or talked to in a while to brighten their day.
Make and bring someone cookies.
Clean up litter in the park.
Do a chore for someone else in the family.
Look around the house for change and put it in the salvation army bucket.
Write a special thank you note to your teachers.
Make a card and treat or present to leave in the mailbox for the mail carrier.
Go through clothes/shoes and pick some to give away.
Go through toys and pick some to give away.
Gather canned goods to give away.
Make cards/craft kits to send to kids in the hospital.
Make a meal for another family and deliver it.
Write and mail thank you letters to soldiers overseas.
Buy a present for someone on the angel tree.
Put change in a soda machine for the next person to use or tape a card and change to a vending machine for the next person to use.
Buy and candy bar/gum for the grocery store clerk and bring one to the salvation army volunteer too!
Have a smiley face play-date and encourage everyone to distribute their smiley faces and give to others.
Make a new friend or reach out to a friend you haven't talked to in a while.
Offer to babysit for a friend to give her a break and give the kids a chance to play
Play secret Santa to a neighbor.
Makes snowflakes or cards to send to a nursing home.
Write thank you cards to the pediatrician and mail or deliver.
Go to the mall or a store or the post office and hand out candy canes with notes attached and wish strangers a Merry Christmas!
Go Christmas caroling and hand out holiday treats to the houses you visit.
Read the Christmas story in the Bible, and act out the nativity.
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