Friday, March 5, 2010

Dress-up Time

I have so many old things I want to post that I never end up posting at all, so I figure I'll just start with posting some new things, and we'll see if I ever make it back to the old posts! Elle has been really into dress-up and princesses for a while now and will always tell me that she needs "to get ready for the party" or "get ready for the ball." Because everyone knows that all little girls are princesses, right? Both she and Lauren refuse to dance to music, one of their favorite activities, until they are first in some sort of dress-up clothing. And a week or so ago, we were going to a friend's house for some birthday cake, not really a party, and Elle insisted that she needed her "party dress" before we could go. Luckily, she settled for a tutu. As long as we're not going to church, I usually let her pick what she wants to wear, and it's interesting to see what combination she puts together. Girls are so fun! Last Friday, she chose this outfit for playgroup:

And of course they had to fight over the purse:

We got a package in the mail from Nana the other day with some matching coats and shoes for the girls and Elle had to try it on right away. So here are the girls modeling their new coats (you can tell how Lauren feels about it all by the look on her face!):

And here are the girls dancing to their favorite "loud" song (it's the first song on the Swing Kids soundtrack). This is probably one of the most common scenes in our house these days. They love to get dressed up, turn on the loud music, and have me sit and watch them dance as they put on a "show" (if I don't sit down, Lauren will run to the chair, hit it with her hand and yell "Sit! Sit!" until I sit down--yes, I'm being bossed around by a one and three-year-old now!):

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