Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lauren's Half-Birthday

We celebrated Lauren's half-birthday this weekend (she's now 1 1/2--I can't believe it!), and the girls both loved it. It's a really fun tradition that my mom did with my siblings and I when we were younger, and I've enjoyed continuing it with my girls. Elle asked all week about making Lauren's half-cake, picked a couple dollar items for presents, and sang "Happy Birthday" to Lauren multiple times. Lauren also sang to herself, since the birthday song is the only one she really sings! It's amazing that my baby girl is already 18 months old. She has gotten so much personality these past few months, and that is everyone's comment about her--so much personality for such a little girl.

We know she fits right in the family because at 1, she has somehow picked up sarcasm. She will make fun of us or of Elle and then laugh hysterically at herself. When Elle was sick with a stomach virus a few weeks ago, Lauren grabbed the bowl Elle had next to her and started pretending to puke in it, making the sound and everything. Then, she put the bowl down and starting laughing at herself. She does this with Elle a lot if she makes a funny noise or coughs. It's too funny to watch and it's great to know Lauren already has a sense of humor! She's been talking more and more, saying "please" and "thank you" and now uses sentences (i.e. "I want milk!"). She's pretty easy to understand too.

Lauren's main obsession right now, though, is doing everything she's not supposed to do. In one morning alone, she dumped baking soda all over the pantry, an entire box of cereal on the kitchen floor, and smashed cheez-its into the great room carpet. She spends a lot of her time climbing anything she can, especially the kitchen table, and she always does a victory dance when she reaches the top! Lauren's definitely a tougher kid than Elle, and she doesn't cry much when she gets hurt (which being as small as she is, she tends to get beat up on by her sister and other kids). Lauren is also a morning person, and wakes up ready to go. It's so cute to hear her happy squeal as soon as she gets out of bed and as she yells for daddy, since she loves to watch him get ready in the morning (something Elle has never been awake to do!). It's so fun to see how different she is from her big sister. We can't imagine life without our babyzilla (one of Lauren's many nicknames--after Lauren Grace, Gracie, Gracester)! Happy half-birthday, Lauren!

Oh, and Elle was of course there too, being goofy as always--love that girl!

And here's the video:

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