And yes, Lauren desperately needs a haircut; the girls have all taken turns being sick, and we found out on Monday that Ava has RSV, so we haven't been out much. (Ava's actually been really good, just coughing a lot, especially at night.) And speaking of Lauren, she is at such a fun/maddening age. One minute, she's driving me crazy, getting into everything, and the next she's being really cute and saying the funniest things. Gotta love 2-year-olds! Here are a few of her recent comments:
"I want to go home!" (She says this ALL the time, while we are already at home!)
"Jigga-what!" (Her daddy taught her this and she will just randomly start saying it throughout the day.)
While she was "helping" me clean out the car, "Mommy, It's a hot mess in here!" (Also from her daddy)
While parked in front of a house under-construction on a rainy day, so there was a lot of dirt/mud, "Uh-oh, mommy, I think somebody pooped outside my window!"
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